30 - 31st July 2011, Nagoya Japan
Theme :
Reforms of Islamic Higher Education in Meeting Contemporary Challenges

The recent unrests in the Arab world could be the consequence of a turbulence that has been brewing under the surface for a long period - just waiting to erupt. The governments have not been able to provide the basic needs of its people and had been authoritarian in its governance. On the other hand, countries like Malaysia, Britain and Denmark, the Netherlands and France in Europe are grappling with potentially explosive racial and religious tensions from its diverse population where each community is asserting its human rights in the free world. The potential conflict arose from the perceived discrimination by some groups among the citizens and also the dissenting views on the dichotomy between the sacred and the secular. In this context, how has Islamic education in particular Islamic higher education or higher education in the Islamic world responded to these challenges? Has there been reform to accommodate or to adapt to the new situations. It is crucial to examine their responses because higher education is the pinnacle of intellectual creativity and for the amount of human capital investment committed, it is expected to contribute towards the harmony of living in a diverse society. Furthermore, it determines the direction of basic and secondary education that inculcates a certain disposition among the younger generation on the way to live. Will Islamic higher education continue to be traditional or will it take a leading position of change within the society? The objective of the conference is thus, to examine the various challenges that are context specific and the different alternative ideas and actions that are being taken, as part of the solution.