院・心 2単位 春学期集中
担当教員 Shadick[客員]
Richard Shadick 
科目名 臨床心理学研究Ⅸ-臨床心理面接特論VI-
Seminar on Clinical Psychology IV
高専人科目名 臨床心理学Ⅸ-臨床心理面接特論VI-
Seminar on Clinical Psychology Ⅳ
概要/Outline This course will provide an overview of the field of Suicidology and will include theoretical and practical information about suicidal thoughts and behaviors.
到達目標/Objectives The objectives of this course will be to provide basic knowledge about suicidal ideation, attempts, and deaths as well as an understanding of the fields of suicide prevention and postvention.
授業の内容/Contents Theory of suicide and Suicidology, demographic and epidemiological information about suicide, medical and psychiatric issues, means and methods of suicide, suicide dreams, suicide in the media, suicide survivors, contagion, postvention and response, non-suicidal self-injury, and resourceshe newborn behavioural observation: NBO(2)
Regarding the topic that Dr. Sourander provide, we will inform as soon as decided.
成績評価方法/Evaluation Grading will be based upon attendance and the quality of the contribution towards discussion.