院・教 2単位 春学期火3
担当教員 生澤
IZAWA, Shigeki
科目名 人間形成学研究Ⅰ
Seminor on Philosophy of Becoming Ⅰ
高専人科目名 高等教育基礎論Ⅰ
EdD科目名 高等教育基礎論Ⅰ
概要/Outline テーマ:〈境界〉から考えなおす教育思想──主体性の神話から正義をめぐる境界まで
     The main purpose of this course is to cultivate students' inquiring mind about the foundations of human development through examining classical and contemporary works of philosophy of education. Dealing with the philosophy, history, and thought of human development, this course introduces the basic plinciples of pedagogy and throws new light on the educational phenomena which have been overlooked in educational theories and practices. It helps students acquire knowledge of key concepts of philosophy and also deepen understanding of education through philosophizing about education.
到達目標/Objectives 教育の哲学,思想,歴史についての様々な理解と説明モデルを検討し,現代の人間形成における原理的諸課題を再考するための分析枠組みや基礎理論を習得することをめざす。
     The goals of this course are to
     -  obtain basic knowledge and concept in the philosophy, thought, and history of education,
     -  be able to understand and discuss the various problems of human development using concepts and theories of the philosophy of education.
授業の内容/Contents (01)イントロダクション──〈境界〉に抗うために哲学・歴史・政治・人類・社会の知から学ぶ
01. Introduction: Against the Boundary
02. The Intersection of Politics and Education Regarding Boundary
03. The Myth of Modern Subjectivity
04. Regarding Otherness
05. Enfant as a Different Culture
06. Boundaries between Humans and Animals
07. Inclusion and Exclusion in School Education
08. School Community as an Asylum
09. Caring and Publicness: Rethinking the Public and the Private
10. Metamorphosis and Body
11. Autism, Development, and Boudary
12. The Possibility and Impossibilty of the Fusion of Horizons
13. Essentialism and the Practice of Liberation to Transgress
14. Others, Boundary Event, and Democratic Iterations
15. Review and Reflection
教科書/Textbook 初回の授業時に提示する。
     Will be introduced in the class.
参考書・参考資料/References 本授業で取り扱う参考文献や資料は,授業のなかで適宜指定,紹介する。
     In order to obtain basic knowledge of the philosophy of education and deepen understanding of course contents, we highly recommend to read the following books:
     -  Peter Stallybrass et al., The Politics and Poetics of Transgressions
     -  bell hooks, Teaching to Transgress
     -  Martha C. Nussbaum, Frontiers of Justice
成績評価方法/Evaluation 授業時間外の課題として報告資料を作成してもらい,授業のなかで発表を求める。報告発表,相互討議,リアクション等を含む授業への参加状況と学期末のレポートから総合的に評価する。報告発表の形式,レポートについては授業のなかでアナウンスする。
     Grading will be decided based on the following:
     -  Class participation and attitude in class
     -  Presentation and discussion
     -  Final paper
履修条件/Conditions 教育についての思考を広げ,深めるために,哲学や思想から手がかりを見つけてみたいと思います。哲学や思想を参照しながら,現代の人間形成の諸課題について知的に吟味してみましょう。
その他の注意/Remarks とくになし。