
開講中止 Canceled

院・心 2単位 秋学期月5
担当教員 石井(秀)
Ishii H.
科目名 計量心理学研究Ⅱ
Seminar on Psychometrics II
高専人科目名 計量心理学Ⅱ
Psychometrics II
概要/Outline  前学期の授業の続きである。統計学,計量心理学,教育測定学等の英語文献を読んで議論することにより,統計的思考力や論理的思考力を高めるとともに,英語によるプレゼンテーション力を養う。
This course follows previous course, Seminar on Pschometrics I. The purpose of this course is to heighten your abilities of statistical thinking and logical thinking, and also to improve your English presentation skills by reading English texts and papers on statistics, psychometrics, and educational measurement with active discussions.
We do NOT focus on just remembering data analysis technique, but on understanding thoughts and principles behind them.
You will heighten your abilities of statistical thinking and logical thinking, and also to improve your English presentation skills.
This semester, we will focus on Multivariate Data Analysis. You will read textbooks, articles, or materials relating to the focused topic.
In each session, some of you will make brief presentations following discussions.
Materials are partitioned into small parts and assigned to every student who needs a credit, so many of you will provide presentations in one session.
It is necessary to prepare resumes and hand them out to all attendants. Resumes should be written in English.
Ishii,H.(Author), Aye Aye Myint & Nu Nu Khaing Translator). (2019). Essentials of statistical analysis and psychometrics in human sciences. See Sein Publishing: Myanmar.
Announced if necessary
Sections: quality of presentations (30%), resumes (30%), and degrees of contribution to discussions (40%).
Criterion: The course credit will be issued when you take over or equal to 60% performance in above sections as total
You are required to have learned high-school level mathematics.
As you may have noticed, this class is held in English. You are expected to use English in the whole course. Presentations and discussions should be provided in English. However, you can also use your native language if it helps most students.
Most of us are not native English speakers including the course instructor. So, we do not expect you to speak perfect English. You do not also have to care about grammar so much. The important thing is to get familiar with using English in the classroom. Take it easy!
English levels are not the same between students. So, you have to pay respect to all other students.