学部 選必Ⅱ2単位 秋学期金3
担当教員 谷口
科目名 社会行動学講義Ⅱ
Lecture on Social Psychology 2
対象学年 2年 以上 他学部受講
時間割コード 0224217
This course aims to understand the idea and theory of culture and psychology for undergraduate students. This course handles the basic concept and theory of social psychology and cross-cultural psychology, and students deeply learn this psychological perspective applicable to daily life in Japan. In the first part, students acquire psychological perspective related culture such as dimensions, self, cognition, emotion. In the second part, students will be able to apply these perspectives in real social phenomena.
By the conclusion of this course, students will have learned the following:
• Awareness of having analytical psychological insights and applied skills
• Awareness of the cultural difference between the West and the East in the context of Japanese culture
• A critical understanding of Japanology
• A deep understanding of psychological perspectives for advanced academic research
• Independent academic skills with group work skills in the intercultural co-learning
The course consists of both lectures and seminars. During lectures, this course expects students to learn the basic ideas and theories of culture and psychology. During seminars, this course expects students to apply these ideas and theories in daily life. In both lectures and seminars, active participation with other students in the class is crucial. Group presentation enables students to work in the intercultural context, and the final paper enables them to have scholarly writing ability. Additionally, this course provides additional materials to acquire those independent academic skills. Therefore, this course is suitable for undergraduate students who want to study in intercultural contexts as well as those who will study abroad soon.

Topics to be covered:(Tentative)
・Definition of culture
・Individualism and collectivism, vertical and horizontal dimensions
・Culture and self (Independent and interdependent selves)
・Culture and development (enculturation)
・Culture and language (Sapir-Whorf hypothesis)
・Culture and emotion (nature and social construction)
・The Chrysanthemum and the Sword: Patterns of Japanese Culture
・The Anatomy of Dependence
・Intercultural contact
・Stereotype, prejudice, discrimination, categorization
・Ingroup relations and group process, social identities
・Acculturation, sojourner adjustment
Berry, J. W., Berry, J. W., Poortinga, Y. H., Segall, M. H., & Dasen, P. R. (2002). Cross-cultural psychology: Research and applications. Cambridge University Press.
This course provides additional necessary materials depending on the theme.
Group discussion    10%
Group presentation:      30%
Reflection paper (500 word): 10%
Final paper (2,000 word): 50%

The passing score is more than 60% out of 100%.
This course offers in English for Japanese students, international students, NUPACE, and G30 students.